AT YMCA Taunton we are proud that we are able to have a significant impact on the communities we represent whilst undergoing extensive refurbishments to our facilities. Our impact in 2022/2023 included:

19135 Young People Attended Activities

970 young people interactions (Youth Club)
47 Young Carers supported, and 561 interactions
70 young carers seasonal gift baskets provided
45 Pre-schoolers educated
869 children’s hot meals provied
557 safe holiday spaces provided

Community Health and Wellbeing

37 different sports and fitness classes
2 Community Cooks
3 Mental Health First Aiders
1 ASIST Caregiver

Community Engagements

16,469 meals provided
94 seasonal gift baskets for young carers

“My son has really grown in confidence since starting at YMCA Preschool. He’s made some great friends, has a wonderful support network from the staff and has developed in so many ways”

– Pre-school parent

kids hands covered in paint

A has come on leaps and bounds and will take all the skills she has learnt in nursery to school with her

– Pre-school parent

£311,666 Income

6 Corporate Partners

Impact Reports for Previous Years