These are our regular activities. Some are organised by the YMCA (bold), all the others are arranged by outside agencies. We have lots of rooms that can be hired out so please get in touch if you would like to use our facilities.

MONDAY1400-1600U3A Short Tennis
1730-1900YMCA Junior Youth Club (7-11yrs) term-time only
1900-2000Parkour (7-11yrs)
2000-2100Parkour (12-19yrs)
TUESDAY1030-1130Age UK Move & Movement
1800-2000Somerset Kickboxing Association
1800-2000YMCA Secondary Youth Club (11-16yrs) term-time only
1900-2100Table Tennis League
WEDNESDAY1900-2000Parkour (7-11yrs)
1900-2100Table Tennis League
2000-2100Parkour (12-19yrs)
THURSDAY1000-110050+ Fitness
1230-1500Achieve Group
1345-1530U3A Short Tennis
1745-2000Somerset Kickboxing Association
1800-2000YMCA Young Carers Group term-time only
1900-2100Table Tennis League
FRIDAY1400-1600Table Tennis (50+)
1830-2330Trinity Wargaming
1830-1930Judo (4-13yrs)
1930-2030Judo (14+)